I was thinking about scenes in movies when I didn’t quite feel the emotion that was being portrayed.  The big one that came to mind was the ending of “Seven” when Brad Pitt is in the cornfield asking Kevin Spacey “what’s in the box??” knowing full well that it is Gwyneth Paltrow’s severed head.

A bit of a misfire of relatable emotions (IMO)

Believe me, I am not knocking Brad Pitt.  I think he is a tour de force of an actor.  But this scene got me thinking about how some actors seem very natural and easy with expressing vulnerable emotions while others maybe not as much.

Brad Pitt’s chart shows no Water planets (except Neptune).  He is runs mostly on Earth and Fire.  My latest favorite movie with him was “World War Z”, and you better believe he was (in my opinion) EXTREMELY effective at displaying a courageous (Fire) hero who gets the job done (Earth).

I also think Brad Pitt is very effective conveying deep emotions BUT, usually this is done by an UNDERSTATED approach.  A subtle look, or a quick tear up, but NOT a prolonged cry-fest.  A prolonged cry-fest is hard to make look authentic, UNLESS you have some Water planets to help you out.

Everyone has emotions, just like everyone has a Moon their natal chart.  Water planets don’t give people more emotion but they DO (ideally) make EXPRESSING emotion a bit more comfortable and natural.  This is especially true with Scorpio, because Scorpio is all about emotional power and control.

James Dean let’s the feelings fly with Mars squaring his Scorpio Moon. He is completely comfortable in showing vulnerability which works to set him in a league of his own and pave the way for future actors.
Leonardo Di Caprio’s 2nd house Scorpio Sun and Scorpio Mars allows him to rely on his resources (2nd house) of emotional power and control (Scorpio). His life energy and driving force (Sun and Mars) dedicated to harnessing this emotional strength.
Dallas Buyers Club
Matthew McConaughey has both his Sun and Mercury in Scorpio. Not only does he emote with wild abandon when needed, he also has the habit of taking up character role that talk (Mercury) about the endless mysterious of life (Scorpio)

Compare these Scorpio cry-looks to some Cancer cry-looks.

Tom Hanks’ Cancer Moon makes us want to hug him and tell him everything will be alright. Cancer emotions being expressed can bring out the “awww” in most of us.
Even Tom Cruise, with all of his macho roles is a bit of a Teddy Bear when sad thanks to his Cancer Sun.

And finally some Pisces…

Bruce Willis captures the perfect “Savior-Martyr” emotional look with his thoughtful teary expressions. Sun and Mercury in Pisces.
On the other end of the Pisces emotional spectrum is that of the “victim” which Jon Hamm displays here (Sun and Mercury in Pisces)

Actors who do not have Water planets, when faced with a role that needs to display emotion will often naturally take a SUBDUED approach.

George Clooney has no Water planets (except Neptune) but he gets the emotion across with stillness (Taurus Sun) and a perceived stoic groundedness (double Earth).

Or restort to other methods…

No-Water planeted Al Pacino expresses anger with ease thanks to the Fire in his chart. When it comes to expressing vulnerability a tactic like covering the face can help the awkward process.

4 responses to “The Crying Game. Water planets and comfortability in expressing emotion.”

  1. Pablo Avatar

    I really enjoy the sequence of emotional famous dudes and great writing !!


    1. tesshadley2014 Avatar

      Cry face after cry face! Thanks Pablo- keeping my comment section active! 🙂


  2. snow Avatar

    This is brilliant and interesting and fun on so many levels!!


    1. tesshadley2014 Avatar

      Thank you so much Snow!! I really appreciate that! 🙂


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